Monday, February 23, 2009

Beginners that Need Computer Help

So if you are a casual user of a computer, you probably run into problems often that tend to frustrate you until you eventually give up. Does this sound like you? Then you are in the right spot.

I'm a computer engineer by trade, but my focus for this site is the computer beginner. If you need computer help, I hope to provide logical and easy to follow solutions for the most common problems that people encounter.

Some topics and computer tips that I plan on writing about include: using the internet, internet browsers, software issues (mainly Microsoft office), interesting tips and tidbits that you might not have known, among other relevant topics.

I currently own a PC running Windows Vista, a laptop with Windows XP, and a MacBook with an Intel processor (capable of running both Leopard and XP simultaneously with a virtual machine). If you have any specific questions which you would like me to help with, feel free to leave me a comment and I'll do my best to tackle the issue.

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